Some cool Health Tips

Health tips

Healthy Hair:

o Use a mild shampoo and use it twice or at the most thrice weekly
o Condition only if required
o Massage the scalp with oil
o Natural good quality oil with almond as an ingredient is helpful

Healthy Face Skin:

o Face is sensitive, it requires washing many times a day, not necessarily with soap each time
o Rinsing your eyes is required if irritation occurs
o Creams are a must in the winter season.
o Lip balms are indispensable, since it is important to make sure you are crack free (specially in wintry conditions)

Habits for a Healthy Body:

o Bathing once thoroughly with soap a day is a must, the second time on a given day don't use soap too much
o Keep your nails (hands & legs) trimmed.
o Don't touch any part of your body after dirtying your hands via various ways.

Healthy Teeth:

o Brush at least twice daily, once in the morning and before retiring to bed, the latter should not be forgotten at any cost
o Gargle after having beverages of any sort
o Avoid chocolates and drinks, same goes for cigarettes

To prevent yourself from common cold, make it a point to dry your hair completely after shower, don't wet yourself in the rains, and don't stay in air conditioned rooms for prolonged periods of time. AC can prove to be harmful to skin too. Skin dryness is the possible cause and to prevent that use some kind of ointment before entering an AC room.

Always bear in mind ‘Health is wealth'. Best of all, these ideas are nearly free of cost.

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