Here is the tutorial how you can install .deb files directly into your iPhone (3G/3Gs/4/4s), iPod touch (3G/4G), iPad/iPad 2/iPad3
4 Methods to install a .deb file  into your iOS, choose the easier  for you! Applicable to:
  • iPhone (3G/3Gs/4/4s), iPod touch (3G/4G), iPad/iPad 2/iPad3
  • iOS 4.0+/ iOS 5.0 +

1st Method: Install with iOS Safari Browser + iFile

Requirements:  iPhone/iPod/iPad Safari Browser + iFile 
  1. Download .deb file with iPhone/iPod/iPad Safari browser
  2. Choose >> Open in “iFile”
  3. Once iFile opens >> Select  Installer
  4. Respring

2nd Method: Install with SSH Client + iFile

Requirements: SSH Client (iFunbox for Windows/Cyberduck for MacOS) + iFile
  1. Download iFunbox >> ( Windows , or Cyberduck for MacOS
  2. Download desired (.deb) file to your desktop
  3. Run iFunbox and connect your iOS (iPhone, iPod or iPad)
  4. iFunBox will show your device contents, Now navigate to any folder for example:  var/mobile/Documents
  5. Move (.deb) file from your desktop to var/mobile/Documents
  6. Run iFile from your iOS, and navigate to the same folder i.e. var/mobile/Documents
  7. Click on (.deb) file and select install
TIP : I can not SSH into my iPhone/iPod/iPad!
  • I can not find var/root?
  • I can not SSH into my iPhone/iPad?
  • I have jailbroken device, my SSH client is discovering my iPhone/iPad as (JAILED)?
>> Install OpenSSH from Cydia, reboot, then try again.
>> If you still having problems>> Install afc2add from Cydia then reboot.

3rd Method: AutoInstallation Folder

Requirements: SSH Client (iFunbox for Windows/Cyberduck for MacOS)
  1. Download iFunbox >> ( Windows , or Cyberduck for MacOS
  2. Download desired (.deb) file to your desktop
  3. Run iFunbox and connect your iOS (iPhone, iPod or iPad)
  4. iFunBox will show your device contents, Now navigate to var/root/Media/
  5. Create the folder Cydia/AutoInstall (if not already created)
  6. Move (.deb) file from your desktop to var/root/Media/Cydia/AutoInstall
  7. Reboot your iOS

4th Method: Install with Mobile Terminal

Requirements: Mobile Terminal + OpenSSH
“Steps 2 and 3 are only if you have never installed a .deb file with this method”
  1. Download the .deb file you want (example : LockInfo)
  2. Start Cydia, go to “Search”, type “Mobile Terminal” and install it
  3. Repeat step 2 for “OpenSSH”
  4. Start “MobileTerminal”
  5. Type the following commands , then reboot:
su  (press return)
alpine  (press return)  /!\ You won’t see the typed password then don’t worry /!\
dpkg -i nameofpackage.deb  (press return, replace nameofpackage with LockInfo for the example)
Note that you can rename the .deb file like 1.deb (it’s easier to type)