Change your Mobile number in Google sms Channels

Some times it happened that we change our mobile number or we want to receive the Google SMS alerts to another number instead of old number. So you want to update your new mobile number so that you can receive SMS alerts from Google SMS channels that have previously activated
If we want to change your mobile number in Google SMS channels to receive updates to ur new mobile number? follow the below steps…

Go to and Signin with your Google account. ( should use same email-ID with which you have subscribed to SMS channels earlier)
  1. Click on the Settings link on the top right side of the screen
  2. Click on the Remove phone number link displays beside your old Mobile number and then enter your new mobile number
  3. Then Click on Send Verification Code. A verification code will be send to your new mobile number.
  4.  Check I agree to the Terms of Service checkbox and  enter the verification code in the same page
  5. Then click on Save changes.
Its Done will now receive Google SMS alerts (from previously subscribed channels) to your new mobile number

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